Psychotic Christmas


Psychotic Christmas 1998 Album Cover

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Charlie 1998

1998 AD was a defining year for us. Mark and Carolyn made the long journey from SF to land in LA, and I was embarking on grad school. When we put the first Psychotic Christmas together, we had no idea that we would continue the tradition for the next five years. However, the fan response was overwhelming so we saddled up our gear and rode a wormhole straight through to Volume 5. I will never forget the taping of this volume’s skit—the words “lock and load” are still ricocheting around my head. Chops or cutlets anyone? I will never live down including "Dad I’m in Jail" on this CD. I had a very strong memory of this song being brilliant in its comedic execution… nevertheless, it is terrible.

Mark 1998

I think this volume has my favorite skit. I, too, will never forget the 30 or so takes Carolyn needed to deliver the line "lock and load" correctly. Lock... and-load. Lock... AND... load. Lock-and... LOAD. The "Casiocarolyn" track has a little story to it. Over the course of several months I shuttled between San Francisco and L.A. to write and record the song with Jonathan as a wedding gift for Carolyn. She heard it for the first time at our wedding reception, so there are some nice memories associated with that particular song for me.

Special thanks to Jonathan who helped us record and mix this year's skit—the first of many weekends over the years spent in his studio working on Psychotic Christmas stuff.

Original CD Artwork

Psychotic Christmas 1998 Outer CD Artwork
Psychotic Christmas 1998 Inner CD Artwork


  1. Charlie, Mark & Carolyn / Christmas Skit
  2. Gary Numan / Cars
  3. Pizzicato Five / Twiggy vs. James Bond
  4. South Park / Fat Abbot #1
  5. Catherine Wheel / Heal
  6. Radiohead / Let Down
  7. South Park / Mr. Hanky's Song
  8. Wannadies / You and Me Song
  9. Amazing Panda Inferno / Oh Man That is Nasty
  10. Adorable / Feed Me
  11. Cornershop / We're in Yr Corner
  12. Mighty Dub Katz / Magic Carpet Ride
  13. South Park / Fat Abbot #2
  14. Ride / Vapour Trail
  15. Ivy / Ba Ba Ba
  16. Mark & Jonathan / Casiocarolyn
  17. Kitchens of Distinction / On Tooting Broadway Station
  18. South Park / Fat Abbot #3
  19. BT featuring Tori Amos / Blue Skies
  20. Was (Not Was) / Dad I'm in Jail
