Psychotic Christmas


Psychotoc Christmas 2019 Album Cover

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Mark 2019

Welcome to our first new Psychotic Christmas in ages! After years of neglect, we've finally gotten around to putting up a new Psychotic Christmas playlist for your downloading and listening pleasure. Since we haven't done this in a while, we have a backlog of several years' worth of favorite new tunes to share with y'all. Grudges, Black Out Days, and No Cars Go are particular favorites of mine. Another song worth mentioning is the the last track in this year's compilation, Legendary Uludag Gazoz, which is currently my favorite song named after an obscure Middle Eastern soft drink.

On a more somber note, I love the picture of Charlie in his bright red circa-1983 McDonald's tunic. See how proud he is! I look much less imposing in my subdued Francisco Torres Dining Commons polo and visor, which is probably why the girls always liked Charlie better.

Charlie 2019

Dear Constant Listener,

Thank you for your patience while Mark and I spent the last seven years spelunking the Dark Web to bring you this year’s treasure trove of musical delights. A couple of quick notes related to my McD’s photo: 1) The polyester pants had such giant bellbottoms that you could not even see one speck of my Sperry Topsiders peeking beneath their luxurious folds, 2) I learned that McD’s bathrooms are so disgusting because when they asked employees like me to clean the restroom, we would go in and lock the door, wait five minutes without touching a scrub brush or mop, and then merrily exit on our way back to the fry-o-later, 3) I only lasted three weeks before quitting, but could not eat a bite of McD’s fare for the next year until my PTSD cleared up.

You will be happy to learn that Mr. Poopy has been asked to serve in the current White House administration and will be taking the position of Minister of Flatulence. We look forward to his sage and gracious offerings. Happy holidays and a prosperous New Year to all!


  1. The I.L.Y's / Wash My Hands Shorty
  2. The Sound / Hothouse
  3. DIIV / Under the Sun
  4. Paramore / Grudges
  5. Destroyer / Tinseltown Swimming in Blood
  6. The Simpsons / Desperate for Beer
  7. Sigur Rós / Inní Mér Syngur Vitleysingur
  8. RAC / Back of the Car (feat. Nate Henricks)
  9. Arcade Fire / No Cars Go
  10. Into Paradise / Rain Comes Down
  11. Perfume Genius / Queen
  12. SNL / Taco Town
  13. Moby / Lie Down In Darkness
  14. Courteeners / Not Nineteen Forever
  15. Gary Numan & Tubeway Army / Bombers
  16. Phantogram / Black Out Days
  17. Pale Saints / Half-Life, Remembered
  18. Alain Whyte / Oblivion
  19. Frightened Rabbit / Get Out
  20. Family Guy / Stewie Whil Wheaton
  21. Small Black / No Stranger
  22. Tanlines / All of Me
  23. Los Campesinos! / Avocado, Baby
  24. Bad Lip Reading / Bushes of Love
  25. Orange Pedro / Legendary Uludag Gazoz
