Psychotic Christmas


Psychotic Christmas 2002 Album Cover

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Charlie 2002

The last volume of the first round of Psychotic Christmas. The only CD to not feature a skit, as the logistics proved too difficult with me being in Santa Cruz for work. Mark and I are hopeful that we will have the opportunity to resume our adventure with the Psychotic Christmas franchise within the near future. Our fans are constantly cyber-nagging us to get on with it and produce another one. Even Mr. Poopy has launched a scathing blog commenting on our lack of concern for our fans (his blog is entitled “Apesh*t”). Please be patient as we set a course for the next volume!

Mark 2002

I was really happy with how the artwork turned out for this year's Psychotic Christmas. Charlie picked out the "I Call the Big One Bitey" clip, which has become a favorite Simpsons line, right up there with "Tastes Like Burning" (a clip you'll find on the previous year's compilation). I'm bummed that we didn't do a skit this year though... we had some great ideas but never found the time to record anything.

Original CD Artwork*

Psychotic Christmas 2002 Outer CD Artwork
Psychotic Christmas 2002 Inner CD Artwork

* NOTE: This is the last year we made actual CDs that we mailed out to everybody...


  1. Moby / We Are Made of Stars
  2. The Six Million Dollar Man TV Show Theme
  3. The Strokes / The Modern Age
  4. Guster / Airport Song
  5. Death Cab For Cutie / Movie Script Ending
  6. The Simpsons / Blatz
  7. Apples In Stereo / Glowworm
  8. Cornelius / Drop
  9. Hooverphonic / Renaissance Affair
  10. The Hives / Hate to Say I Told You So
  11. David Holmes / 69 Police
  12. Telepopmusik / Smile
  13. The Simpsons / I Call the Big One Bitey
  14. Mark, Jonathan & Dave / 5 Was the Time
  15. Sneaker Pimps / Loretta Young Silks
  16. The Mystics / Lucy's Factory
  17. The James Bond Theme
  18. Soul Hooligans / Numb in Both Lips
  19. Cold Play / Politik
