Psychotic Christmas


Psychotic Christmas 2000 Album Cover

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Charlie 2000

Wow, the days of Napster seem so long ago. A majority of the eclectic songs on this volume’s playlist were downloaded from Napster... often times using mind-numbingly slow dial-up connections because broadband was not yet ubiquitous on the home front. Do you like my hairdo from my ninth grade class photo?  It is quite helmet-like and I am disappointed that one earlobe is showing because at the time, it was really uncool to have a haircut that was not long enough to completely engulf your ears. Nerd!

Mark 2000

Another solid collection of songs this year. The Supergrass track is one of my all-time favorites and The Mystics are always awesome.

This seventh grade school picture perfectly captures the most painfully awkward stage of my prepubescence. I was going through a period where I took showers as seldom as possible, as this made my hair clump together in a way that promoted effective feathering. And check out that brown terrycloth Kensington shirt, which I considered to be the crown jewel of my wardrobe. Also note my posture: shoulders slouched, head bowed in symbolic submission to my middle school social betters. Classic!

Special thanks, once again, to Jonathan for his help getting this year's skit recorded.

Original CD Artwork

Psychotic Christmas 2000 Outer CD Artwork
Psychotic Christmas 2000 Inner CD Artwork


  1. Charlie, Mark, Carolyn & Caroline / Christmas Skit
  2. Moonpools & Caterpillars / Hear
  3. The Dandy Warhols / Godless
  4. Supergrass / In It for the Money
  5. Marlowe / Starry-eyed Sugar
  6. Austin Powers / Dr. Evil's Therapy
  7. Animal House / Ready to Receive
  8. Apheleon / Terra Transmission
  9. Guided by Voices / Teenage FBI
  10. Elliott Smith / Roman Candle
  11. The Simpsons / Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel
  12. Spiritualized / Think I'm in Love
  13. Medicine / Time Baby III
  14. Aztek Trip / Average Day
  15. The Mystics / Who's That Girl
  16. Survivor TV Show Theme
  17. South Park / Big Gay Al's Song
  18. VAST / Touched
  19. Penny Framstad / Anymore
  20. Junk Magnet / Lemon
